A prime example of a quality JD Yachts Boats For Sale and Yachts For Sale presented to the new owner after a series of checking and cleaning. One could...

  On arrival to Chichester marina, the Fairline Squadron 43 was presented in immaculate order on the outside, it was noted by my crew that she was a...

We are convinced that Boats For Sale and Yachts For Sale that are lying in the Mediterranean can be sold more efficiently with us here in Weymouth and...

JD Yachts Captain, Ben Harris, attended the 2012 Southampton Boat Show. Ben said “On the face of the show, there appeared to be a small reduction of...

During the Southampton Boat Show we had a visitor fly in by Helicopter from Heathrow. With his busy schedule this was the only way he would be able to view...

Don’t forget while you’re walking around the 44th Southampton Boat Show, you can browse and compare on your mobile device on the JD Yachts mobile...

Dublin to Weymouth   I always love a delivery from Ireland and one of the reasons is that I’m a quarter Irish and they have a lovely sense of humour...

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