Every year you face the dreaded insurance premium and berthing renewals and if you’re about to make the first steps to purchase you will have the job of shopping around for all 3. This is where we can help save you money and precious time. We are appointed representatives of the FSA, so we are able to introduce you with your permission to financial and insurance institutions, this means we can take your details and your cover requirements and have the companies we know and have been working with for a decade to quote you directly.
This helps you on all manner of levels, you save time in the process and are able to step back and compare in your own time what deal is best for you. This is especially the case with Insurance companies as it can be a lengthy and daunting prospect getting one quote, let alone several. You will be shocked in the savings that can be made with letting us shop around for you.
It is getting a little easier in the marine finance business, lenders are turning around application and pre approvals and we have more than one lender to choose from. But it is always a good idea to speak to us from the offset when you need to finance your purchase, as pre-approval is key when you’re looking to buy. It is very upsetting to find the boat and deal you have been looking for, only to find the finance cannot be finalised in time. We can arrange for you to be pre-approved before you begin your search, either with us or in the market place in general.
With berthing there are a lot of incentives offered to us by marinas to fill berths; we can pass that on to our clients if we introduce them to the marina. So when you are looking to renew, purchase or move your berth, call us as we may be able to make you a substantial saving on your yearly berthing fees.
If you wish to discuss your Berthing, Insurance or Finance please call us on 08458125126 and a member of our team will be there to Help.